Sunday 22 January 2012

Tattoos in Weird Places

Tattoos in Weird Places
Although it seems like a new trend, corneal tattooing has been known and done now for over 2,000 years — it became almost commonplace in the late 19th century and into the 20th century to correct defects such as corneal scarring and leucomas. These days, it is done less often because contact lenses are very effective at covering these defects, and prosthetic technology is also more accessible. However, not everyone can wear contact lenses, and not everyone wants their eyeball popped out even if it is blind; hence, cosmetic tattooing of the eye.

.............................. Tattoos in Weird Places ..................................

Piercings and Tattoos Pictures

Piercings and Tattoos Pictures
Body piercing is something of a modern fad amongst youngsters (and some oldsters). It involves inserting metal objects in to places in the body that really don’t need to have metal objects in them. Some people have become so fascinated by this practice that they have “extreme” piercings. This is a list of the top 10. These images are all safe for work – though I can not be held responsible for your dry-cleaning bill if you are viewing this after eating.

............................ Piercings and Tattoos Pictures ...............................




Tuesday 17 January 2012

women leg tattoo

tattoo designs are a favorite of many for leg tattoos. You can also choose from a different angel tattoo designs for the legs.

Saturday 14 January 2012

lower back tattoos for girls designs

women choose for their lower back. Lower back tattoos represent sensuality. This is a great place to have a special tattoo for a special someone.

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